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Lorna Boothe MBE at Hall of Fame with James Dasaolu

A stalwart of our sport - catching up with Lorna Boothe MBE

We caught up with brand new Hall of Fame inductee, Lorna Boothe MBE to learn more about her career in the sport.
Youth Talent Programme endurance athletes

Brand new athletes taking their first steps onto the Talent Pathway

Last weekend we were delighted to welcome our brand new cohort of athletes on to the Youth Talent Programme (YTP).
Regional Councillor Lynn Cooper

Spotlight on Lynn Cooper - Regional Councillor

England Athletics’ nine Regional Councils are inviting applications for a total of 38 roles at next year’s Regional Council elections. The nomination process opens on 23 January, with applicants having the chance to help shape the sport for benefit of their clubs and members, both now and in the future.
Club Leadership Programme graphic

Club Leadership Programme 2025

The Club Leadership Programme is open to all England Athletics affiliated clubs with two free places on the programme on an application basis. Following on from the success of the Club Leadership programme in previous years, this innovative and interactive online personal development initiative for club leadership is back for 2024.
Hall of Fame general view

Celebrating the greats of our sport at our 2024 Hall of Fame

After a break for 2023, the England Athletics Hall of Fame returned in November 2024. The evening at the Athena Events Venue in Leicester was a celebration of our sport with new inductees to the Hall of Fame and recognition of the National Volunteer Award winners for 2024.
2024 National Volunteer award winners

National Volunteer Award winners recognised

This year's England Athletics Hall of Fame also recognised the contributions of the volunteers who make the sport happen. Our National Volunteer Award winners were shortlisted from the nine Regional Award winners in 2024. The awards were presented to our National Volunteer Award winners at the impressive Athena building in Leicester as part of the 2024 England Athletics Hall of Fame event.
UKA logo

Mark Granby confirmed as Chair of UKA Rules Group

Following a comprehensive interview process, Mark Granby has been confirmed as the new independent chair of the UKA Rules Group.
Black Country Hammer Fest athletes

Black Country HammerFest - putting throwers at the middle of the circle

We recently caught up with Matt Sutton, founder of Black Country Hammer Fest, to learn about organising event specific competitions.
Geoff Capes competing for Great Britain

Geoff Capes: 1949-2024

All at England Athletics are saddened to learn of the passing of former British shot put record holder, Hall of Fame inductee and World Strongest Man, Geoff Capes.
David Feeney coaching YTP

New talent pathway athlete cohorts announced for 2024

England Athletics is pleased to announce the athletes selected for the Youth Talent Programme (YTP), Junior Talent Programme (JTP) and Senior Programme (SP).