This Girl Can Run
Fear of judgement is stopping many women from taking part in exercise. But as thousands of women are proving, it really doesn’t have to.
This Girl Can: Running is a national campaign created with Sport England and a wide range of partnership organisations. It’s a celebration of women up and down the country who are running, jogging or walking their way to a more active lifestyle.
Running is for everyone. There’s no bum too big and no jog too small. If you’re already getting out there, or are curious about giving it a try, then This Girl Can: Running will be with you every step of the way!
Follow us on:
- Twitter: @TGCRunning
- Facebook: ThisGirlCanRunning
- Instagram: thisgirlcanrunning
RunTogether Group Runs
Interested in joining our group runs? Find out more and search for a run by visiting the RunTogether website.