Licensed Competitions
Licensing your event
Applications should be submitted electronically, ideally no less than 8 weeks prior to the event date. Applications will be reviewed in the first instance by a Regional representative and then by an England Officer who will issue licences.
- Track and field licence application
- Cross country licence application
- Road race licence application
- Trail race licence application
Licensed event listings
The downloadable spreadsheets are updated approximately weekly. Licensed events may be subject to change – and only events in England (including Isle of Man, Guernsey and Jersey) are shown. Track and Field events can be indoor or outdoor.
- List of licensed track and field and cross country competitions (xlsx 30kB)
- RunEvents licensed road races
- Trail Running Association licenced trail races
Post-event feedback
- Track and field post-event form
- Cross country post-event form (complete this within one month of your race)
Officiating experiences
If you are interested in gaining experience as an official at one of these events please contact Nichola Skedgel (Competition Partnerships and Innovation Manager) who can put you in touch with the event organiser.
If you are interested in officiating at League matches, you can also complete an online form on the Association of Athletics Leagues website.
Licensing and guidance information
Find guidance on the recommended maximum distances for Cross Country competitions for young athletes (primary to secondary).
We hosted a webinar in 2022 to update you on Licensing and TrackMark, including a summary of which venues have TrackMark status – important for issue of level 1 and level 2 licences.
View the Trackmark and licensing webinar