Age Group Masters opportunities

Cornwall contingent at Masters Half Marathon Maidenhead

The life of a Masters athlete starts at age 35 – opening up a world of opportunities for athletes to compete in Masters age group competition in athletics and running.

England Athletics Age Group Masters programme

The England Athletics Age Group Masters programme recognises that a significant number of road running clubs are made up of runners over 35 years old.

Road running

Our Masters programme offers England Athletics affiliated runners, age 35+, an annual rolling programme of qualifying events and representative opportunities at 5k, 10k, Half Marathon and Marathon distances.

New for 2025 - trail running

In 2025 England Athletics will be including trail running as part of our offer to masters athletes. This will include a qualification race in March 2025 and a representative race in September 2025 tkaing place in the Forest of Dean. Watch this space for more information later this year!

Masters teams

Find out how you could earn yourself the right to pull on the coveted England Masters vest.

British Masters Athletic Federation

The British Masters Athletic Federation, and its operating company BMAF Services Ltd, offer athletes the opportunity to compete in 5-year age bands for the rest of their lives.  Track & field and running championships take place at regional level via their eleven area clubs, nationally via BMAF Services Ltd and internationally via the governing bodies for European and World Masters Athletics.

Find out about BMAF