Useful Resources
Officials can receive support from several sources including the following:
Tri-Regional Groups
Tri-Regional Groups form a link between Officials within the multiple counties and the respective tri-regions (Northern Group, Midlands and South West Group and the Southern Group). They have an important role in coordinating and supporting officials at or working towards Levels 3 and 4 across all disciplines in England.
Tri-region officials group: roles
- To put forward recommendations for names to be suggested for consideration for specific purposes e.g. accreditation to Level 4 for consideration by the Peer Groups annually in November.
– This will involve helping to make arrangements for potential candidates to receive the required reports, arranging mentoring for such candidates, receiving all the paperwork to support their application, and assessing it to determine whether or not they are ready to move up. - To monitor the progress of officials who wish to move up from Level 3 and continue to monitor the performance of Level 4 officials to identify those who show the potential to act as Referee/Chief or in other management roles, initially at area level and then at higher levels.
- To review the Record of Experience forms of all Level 4 officials and inform Peer Groups of anyone who has not officiated at the required number of track and field meetings each year.
- To put forward nominations to the Peer Groups for selection for national level meetings.
- To respond to requests for information from the Technical Advisory Group who may from time to time ask for suggestions for officials to act as Referee/Chief at National/International level meetings or for members of each discipline to be ranked.
- To be involved in the selection of officials for the championship events in their own Tri-regional or National area in conjunction with the Competition Provider.
- To receive Level 4 applications and assess them prior to sending their recommendations (where positive) to the Peer Groups for their decision.
- To attend meetings (2 or 3 a year, or to nominate a substitute to attend), with the other TRNG secretaries to give final approval to accreditations at Level 4 and selections and discuss any other matters of mutual concern.
- To liaise with County Officials’ Secretaries (COfSecs) on an ongoing basis to arrange officials’ nominations in their region, development of officials and any issues that need addressing by the tri-regional discipline panel or TRNG office bearers.
Tri-regional Secretary contact details:
- Northern –
- Midlands and Southwest –
- Southern –
County Officials' Secretary
Most areas have a local official who can help with any enquiries – the County Officials’ Secretary (COfSec).
Download COfSec contact listResources
A number of useful resources are available for officials on the myAthletics portal. This includes licence application forms, report forms, and Level 2 question sets.
- Log into MyAthletics Portal (using your licence or URN number and password)
- Click on Useful Documents in the left-hand menu.
- Click on the tab labelled officials
- Health and Safety guidance for officials (PDF 180kB)
- Health and Safety checklist for officials (PDF 135kB)
- World Athletics guidance on lane infringements (PDF 170kB)
- Guidance on producing a Timekeeping duty sheet for Level 2 meetings (PDF 100kB)
- Creating a Chief Timekeeper’s duty sheet for a National and Regional Championship meeting (PDF 120kB)
Level 2 and 3 questions Working Group members
Field: Joy Alexander, Pam Auckland, Elaine Williams
Photofinish: Dave Watson, Dave Findlayson, Nicola Cameron
Race Walking: Noel Carmody, Andrew Clough, Martin Bell
Starter / Starter Assistant: Janet Smith, Yasmine Al-Daftary, Sue Hooper, Mark Purser
Timekeeping: Frank Coyle, Graham Bungay, Malcolm Brooks, Donna Barrington-Smith
Track: Dominic Ellis, Mandy Sinden, Maureen Fletcher, Gill Freeman
Discipline checklists
- Discipline Checklist – Field (DOC 60kB)
- Discipline Checklist – Starter (DOC 60kB)
- Discipline Checklist – Starters Assistant (DOC 60kB)
- Discipline Checklist – Track (DOC 60kB)
- Discipline Checklist and duties for Level 2 and 3 Timekeepers (XLS 200kB)
Example discipline feedback sheets
- Example 1 (DOC 50kB)
- Example 2 (DOC 50kB)
- Example 3 (DOC 50kB)
- Blank sheet (DOC 50kB)
Equipment providers
last updated June 2023
- Become an Official (version with starter and endurance images) (PDF 1.27MB)
- Become an Official (version with track and field images) (PDF 1.27MB)
- Become a Field Official (PDF 1.56MB)
- Become an Endurance Official (PDF 1.55MB)
- Become a Photofinish Official (PDF 1.77MB)
- Become a Race Walk Official (PDF 2.64MB)
- Become a Starter (PDF 1.39MB)
- Become a Timekeeper Official (PDF 1.40MB)
- Become a Track Official (PDF 1.46MB)