Useful Resources

An official using the Roster app. Credit Aleksandra Szmigiel.


Officials can receive support from several sources including the following: 

Tri-Regional Groups

Tri-Regional Groups form a link between Officials within the multiple counties and the respective tri-regions (Northern Group, Midlands and South West Group and the Southern Group). They have an important role in coordinating and supporting officials at or working towards Levels 3 and 4 across all disciplines in England.

Tri-regional Secretary contact details:

Download full Tri-Region contact list

County Officials' Secretary

Most areas have a local official who can help with any enquiries – the County Officials’ Secretary (COfSec).

Download COfSec contact list


A number of useful resources are available for officials on the myAthletics portal. This includes licence application forms, report forms, and Level 2 question sets.

  • Log into MyAthletics Portal (using your licence or URN number and password)
  • Click on Useful Documents in the left-hand menu.
  • Click on the tab labelled officials
Go to myAthletics Portal
