Club Template - Health and Safety Policy
Clubs are responsible for the Health and Safety of the activities they deliver. It is therefore important to have a Health and Safety policy and carry out risk assessments.
This template has been provided by Right Directions, a Health & Safety consultancy company. . It is designed to provide clubs with a starting point from which to create and adapt a Health & Safety policy.
Clubs can seek additional support on policy writing via the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) Guidance on Health & Safety for Sport and Leisure activities.
The policy should be written down, accepted by the Committee and then communicated to all members in a simple and easy to understand way.
If you have an incident, accident or fatality should report it to UK Athletics accident, incident and fatality website Once reported this will generate a report to UK Athletics who use the information to help manage incidents, accidents and fatalities. Please also notify your club committee via your Club Secretary if you make a report.