Club Template - Risk Assessments

Clubs are responsible for the Health and Safety of the activities they deliver.  It is therefore important to have a Health and Safety policy and carry out risk assessments.

Risk Assessment guidance and template can be found on UK Athletics website

A risk assessment is an important step in protecting everyone who is affected by your activities, including athletes, spectators, coaches, volunteers and officials. Risk Assessments will help you to focus on the risks that really matter – the ones with the potential to cause significant harm. All clubs/event organisers, coaches & leaders should undertake risk assessments.

Assessing risk requires knowledge of the activities and this can be found in the people who do manage and participate (coaches, officials, club committee members, competition/event organisers and athletes). The assessment should therefore seek to involve those with a detailed knowledge and understanding of the activity concerned.

In many instances, straightforward measures can readily control risks, for example ensuring that storage areas are kept clear and not overloaded, access routes are kept tidy and lighting maintained so that people do not trip. In the most part this means simple, cheap and effective measures to ensure that all those involved in athletics events and activities are protected.

UK Athletics provide a Health and Safety Helpline, supported by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents. If clubs need support with producing a policy or risk assessments you can call 0121 248 2235 or email

If you have an incident, accident or fatality should report it to UK Athletics accident, incident and fatality website  Once reported this will generate a report to UK Athletics who use the information to help manage incidents, accidents and fatalities. Please also notify your club committee via your Club Secretary if you make a report.

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