Herts County Champs tent2000

England Athletics support for County Associations 2024 

England Athletics are delighted to support County Associations ahead of the Track and Field Season for the 11th consecutive year.

We continually review our competition grants to ensure that the funding provided to any of our competition partners is aligned with the England Athletics Strategy 2021-2030 'Athletes and runners at the heart'.

We aim to provide inclusive, fun and inspiring experiences for athletes and support our competition partners along the way to innovate and develop competition formats.

In line with the strategy, County Associations can apply for a grant of £500 towards the costs of the Track and Field Championships. We have attributed an amount to each area for which you can claim money, and also added in online results as this is becoming more important to competing athletes.

Roster Athletics system

All County Associations affiliated with England Athletics are able to access full use of the Roster Athletics system. Organisations affiliated with England Athletics can start using the Roster system today and benefit from the following features:

  • Online athlete entry and on the day athlete check-in
  • Setting up events, schedules, start lists
  • Automated seeding and qualification
  • An automated connection to timing systems for results (FinishLynx and Timetronics)
  • Online results website
  • Ability to set up individual scoring competitions to create your own bespoke ‘combined events’ models
  • A fully connected consumer app for athletes, spectators and coaches to follow results in real time
  • A meet management app, allowing live input of field results and manual timing of road running and cross country events
Read how organisers are already using Roster

To find out more about using the system contact Nicky Kellett, England Athletics Digital Projects Manager nkellett@englandathletics.org  or visit the Roster Athletics website to book a free demo.

Application process


  • England Athletics will support Counties with a grant of £500 for Counties achieving the following criteria.
    • Photofinish: £200
    • Electronic start equipment: £100
    • Use of EDM on long throws: £100
    • Feedback form promotion and participation report: £100.
      N.B. feedback received will be shared with each county for their own use for post event analysis.


  • Complete the overview section
  • Complete which other sections apply to your grant.
  • Deadline for applications Friday 31 May 2024.

All effort will be made to notify successful applicants within 30 days of receipt.


  • Payments will be made on the production of a valid invoice to be submitted to England Athletics.

County Championships grant application form

Contact details

Event details

Event Date(Required)

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