
Update: England Athletics club affiliation and athlete registration fees 2020-21

We are communicating to you, our members, to let you know the revised details of the England Athletics club affiliation and athlete registration fees that will apply for the 2020-2021 year effective from 1 April, 2020.

We are acutely aware of the organisational challenges that clubs will be facing at this time and our staff will work to support you, our members, and we will provide flexibility during this period.

In response to the unique circumstance we find ourselves in owing to Coronavirus, last week we stated to our members that over the coming period we are committed to:

  • Supporting the Athletics & Running family in England to ensure that we come through this period together in as strong a position as possible.
  • Working with you, our members, to understand what specific support is required across our clubs to sustain our sport in the short and the long term.
  • Changing the way in which we communicate and provide our services so that we are doing everything we can to encourage people to stay active, wherever possible, which we think is now more important than ever.
  • Rescheduling specific activities and programmes for our members and participants.

In response to the feedback in the last week from over 100 clubs and in recognition to the unique and unprecedented circumstances facing us all, we are making some amendments to the timescales and athlete registration fee level for the 2020-2021 year. These are detailed as follows:

1. Timings: The deadline for Athlete Registrations for 2020-2021 will be extended from 30th June until 31st August 2020. We would hope that those clubs that expected and prepared to pay registration fees during April will continue to do so as planned but we also hope that this provides some clubs with flexibility to help manage cash flow and defer payments until activity commences.

2. Athlete fee reduction: The individual England Athletics Athlete Registration fee will be fixed at £15 for 2020-2021 effective from 1 April 2020 instead of being set at £16 as previously communicated to all clubs.

3. Athlete Eligibility: In the event of a licensed competition taking place during the summer (prior to 31 August) all athletes who were registered during 2019/2020 will be eligible for competition up until 31st August. Competition checker facilities will be amended to reflect this decision. Any new athletes entering competition will need to be registered prior to the date of the event.

The following aspects of the 2020-2021 membership and affiliation process remain unchanged:

4. Payment Gateway: The club affiliation & athlete registration year will open as usual on 1 April. This allows clubs to operate as normal if they wish and ensures some income will be generated in Q1. The individual Club & Member Body Affiliation fee of £150 will remain and clubs are asked to pay by 30 April.

Further consultation with the sport will take place in the latter part of the summer months as we look ahead to setting the affiliation and athlete registration fees effective from 1 April 2021 onwards.

Your continued support is fundamentally important to England Athletics. Thank you.

Watch a video from England Athletics CEO Chris Jones in which he discusses the revised plans for club affiliation and athlete registration fees for 2020/21: