Toni Minichiello, Mick Hill and Mike Holmes to present at national coach and athlete combined events workshop
England Athletics will be hosting a two day National combined events workshop on 10 - 11 November with presenters including Toni Minichiello, Mick Hill and Mike Holmes. The workshop format will be based around theory and practical sessions, with invited senior and junior athletes taking part in the practical sessions.
The event at Loughborough University will have a workshop format based around theory and practical sessions, with invited senior and junior athletes taking part in the practical sessions.
These workshops are designed to engage as many coaches as possible and bring the coaching community together and have an open and shared learning environment.These workshops are for event group coaches or (old level 3 and above)
Deliverers: Deliverers will be:
- Toni Minichiello - The right environment and planning for champs
- Mick Hill - Practical Javelin session
- Mike Holmes - 800m / conditioning and Practical Shot session
- Colette Altwasser - Success starts in the head
- Michael Afilaka - Running mechanics and Planning
Saturday 10th November
9.30am - 10am Arrival
10am -12pm The right environment - Toni Minichiello
12pm - 1pm Lunch
1pm - 2.30pm Practical Javelin - Mick Hill 14.30pm - 15.00pm Break
3pm - 5pm Practical session 800m and conditioning - Mike Holmes
5.15pm - 6pm Success starts in the head (for coaches) - Colette Altwasser
Sunday 11th November
9.30am - 10am Arrival
10am - 12pm Michael Afilaka - Running mechanics and planning
12pm - 1pm Lunch
1pm - 2.30pm Success starts in the head (for athletes) - Colette Altwasser / Planning for champs - Toni Minichiello
2.45pm - 4.15pm Practical Shot - Toni Minichiello & Mike Holmes
Cost: £20
To book: Click here to go direct to booking page. Registration closing 4 November 2018