
Room to Reward announce support to our Volunteer Award winners

Hospitality charity Room to Reward will be supporting the England Athletics Regional Volunteer Awards this year, with a winner from each region receiving a hotel break away (of their choice).

So by nominating a deserving person for the England Athletics Volunteer Awards, you're also giving them the chance to have a relaxing break away in a hotel!

Nominations close very soon - can you spare a little time to thank those who give up so much of their time?

Find out more and nominate online

About Room to Reward

Room to Reward is a unique charity created to give something back and say ‘thank you’ to
volunteers who give up their time and make a difference to those in need. Up and down the country,
there are so many people helping, caring and loving others. Room to Reward partners with hotels across the U.K who donate their anticipated unsold rooms.

Over 750 hotels throughout the U.K. have joined the initiative and donated in excess of £750,000 worth of breaks in unsold rooms to more than 2000 inspirational volunteers. Together, we’re making a little bit of a difference to those who make a difference to others.

Find out about Room 2 Reward

Nominations close very soon - can you spare a little time to thank those who give up so much of their time?

Find out more and nominate online