Service Standards

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Our customer service vision

To work effectively with colleagues in each department, across the organisation and with other key partners in the athletics family to develop a culture of trust, inclusion, openness, and respect which ensures customers receive the highest level of service in line with our values.

Our aims

  • To work as a team and support each other to resolve issues and provide a high-class customer service.
  • To provide a service at every level in a timely and prompt manner.
  • Take appropriate action to rectify any problems or deal with customer queries promptly.
  • To have the skills, knowledge, and attitude to provide an appropriate and trustworthy service.
  • Provide accurate, up to date and comprehensive information to our customers.
  • To keep our customers informed of progress or development across the sport.

Our service in detail

  • We will greet our customers in a courteous and professional manner.
  • We will answer telephone enquiries appropriately:
    • Answer calls promptly and if operators are on other calls, we will utilise voicemail and aim to answer all messages within one working day.
    • Calls are directed to the appropriate colleague or partner organisation immediately and if we cannot answer the enquiry and we will always call back and update the enquirer.
  • We will listen effectively to our customers’ requests and promptly take the necessary actions to assist them. We will be conscious of our communication style and communicate in a professional manner.
  • We aim to provide correct, reasonable, and individualised responses to emails as quickly as possible within one to three working days. Please note that at the start of our affiliation year (April-June) our response times may be longer.
  • We will have the relevant and up to date knowledge on the range of features and benefits of affiliation and registration, education pathways and key organisational products to keep our customers informed and provide accurate information.
  • We will gather and act upon positive or negative feedback from customers through a variety of methods including course evaluation, verbal feedback, and satisfaction surveys.
  • We will acknowledge and process customer complaints in line with our published Complaints Policy (PDF 400kB).
  • Our service standards will be reviewed on a regular basis.