Formal Notice of General Meeting: June 2024

Young athletes are dropping out of athletics.
Statistics since 2019 show a continued decline in participation.
We are passionate about long-term athlete development and finding solutions to stop the decline of youth participation in athletics - the future of the sport.
Based on research and athlete feedback, along with our colleagues in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, we are changing age groups of competition to allow young athletes to navigate the pathway more easily, provide more balanced competition, give athletes the opportunity to develop technically, and remove clashes between important exam years and peak athlete competition.
It is a bold step. A bold step that is required to address a big issue.
Date of meeting
Despite the consultation process already conducted, approval by UK Athletics and a 2-year collaborative implementation process, there are still some opposing views (resolutions) which will be aired through a General Meeting (GM) on 10 June at 7.30pm at Crowne Plaza NEC, National Exhibition Centre, Pendigo Way, Marston Green, Birmingham B40 1PS where club representatives will vote on behalf of their club members.
Whilst you will be only able to vote in person or by proxy (prior to the meeting) you will be able to view the meeting online.
Register for online meeting hereGeneral Meeting terminology
The terminology around a General Meeting is - unfortunately, by necessity - complex. Here is an explanation of what the terms mean, and exactly what is taking place on 10 June.
Find out about terminologySpecial Resolutions
You will be asked to consider and vote on the resolutions below which the Requisitioning Members have required the directors of the Company to propose.
- To instruct the Board of England Athletics to withdraw England Athletics from the Home Country Proposal and return to UKA to lobby and vote (if the matter is put to a vote) for these changes to be revoked.
- To instruct the Board of England Athletics to cause England Athletics to oppose any proposal to change the calculation date from 31 August to 31 December and, if necessary, to disapply the Articles to the extent that they are inconsistent with such instruction.
Implication of result of General Meeting
If these resolutions pass, they will require the board of England Athletics to lobby to revoke rule changes made by UK Athletics to the age groups for young people.
England Athletics cannot force UK Athletics to change their mind. So, in taking the stance these resolutions require, England Athletics would lose its ability to influence how these rules are shaped and implemented. The board strongly believes that this would not be in the best interests of the sport.
If these resolutions fail, England Athletics will continue to work with all stakeholders towards implementing the agreed rule changes in 2026, as it is currently doing, in the best interests of young people and their participation in the sport.
The rule changes are designed to protect young people’s mental health and to ensure young people are not forced to choose between academic and sporting performance. Ultimately, they aim to encourage and protect future participation in the sport by young people.
The England Athletics board therefore invites you to VOTE AGAINST these resolutions. For more information, please read our statement here.
Every club and member body has the right to voice their views and vote, so please take the time between now and 10 June to engage with young athletes in your club, gain their views and submit your vote at the meeting or via proxy.
Download proxy voting form (PDF) Download proxy voting form (DOC) Download proxy voting form notesA message from England Chair of Council
Hear from Matthew Dalton on the issue, (Chair of England Council, Chair of East Regional Council)
General Meeting documentation
- Download Notice of the GM, Resolutions and Statement (PDF 230kB)
- Download GM agenda (PDF 150kB)
- Download PDF of proxy voting form (PDF 150kB)
- Download DOC of proxy voting form (DOC 30kB)
- Download proxy voting form notes (PDF 210kB)