
UKA Member Vacancy - Representative of Affiliated Clubs

UKA wishes to appoint a Member to represent Affiliated Clubs for a term of four years commencing at the UK Athletics AGM on 12 December 2023.

Download Role Description (PDF 185kB)


The process for appointing and electing a Member to represent Affiliated Clubs is:

  • Affiliated Clubs may nominate a person to be a UKA Member.
  • Where more than one nomination is received, an election will take place in which all Affiliated Clubs will be entitled to vote.
  • The Affiliated Club making the nomination and those supporting it must together be entitled to cast at least 15 votes.
Download nomination form (DOC 45kB)

Please return the nomination form by 5pm on 4 September 2023 - duly completed and signed, along with a personal resume of the nominee, to a maximum of 250 words, by email to Please address any queries to

Weighted voting rights

UKA Election and Appointment Regulations set out that each Affiliated Club has weighted voting rights depending on the number of registered athletes (as at 1 August 2023) in the membership of a HCAF as follows:

  • 1-100        1 vote
  • 101-200    2 votes
  • 201-300    3 votes
  • 301-400    4 votes
  • over 400   5 votes
Download full information (PDF 150kB)