Reminder of proxy voting for clubs
Please remind and encourage your club to use its proxy vote in relation to this year’s England Athletics Annual General Meeting (AGM) and, in particular, the Member-elected Director Elections.
Member-elected Director Elections
This year, one of the two England Athletics elected board positions is up for re-election and we have three candidates standing for election – Lorna Boothe (Sutton & District AC), Abdul Buhari (Newham & Essex Beagles AC) and Jon Clarke (West Cheshire AC).
We urge all our member clubs to exercise their right to vote for this important position and to therefore ensure they submit their proxies to be received by the deadline of 11am on Thursday 8 October. The voting in the Member-elected Director election provides clubs with an opportunity to elect their representative onto the Board and, with the three other elected Directors, help England Athletics steer its way through the current Covid-19 pandemic and beyond as we continue a phased return to athletics and running activity and competition.
AGM 2020 Process - Reminder
- On 4 September 2020 we issued communications via this website, and directly to Club Secretaries via email, providing informal notice and outlining the upcoming process for our 2020 AGM. This same information was signposted to members on 9 September via our fortnightly email newsletter.
- The communication highlighted that, due to Covid-19 restrictions, the AGM will be held as a closed meeting (a decision taken in acknowledgement that our priority is the safety and wellbeing of our members and staff and to reduce unnecessary travel) but with appropriate measures put in place to ensure member clubs can still play an active role in the process.
- The measures communicated included enabling all members to vote by proxy and also the hosting of a pre-AGM webinar (held on 15 September) designed to enable clubs to hear directly from, and submit any questions directly to, the England Athletics Board in advance of the formal notice of the AGM.
- On 16 September, the day after the Pre-AGM webinar, we issued our formal Notice of Annual General Meeting on this website and via email directly to club secretaries and key club/organisation contacts.
- The communication confirmed the AGM time and date of 11am on Saturday 10 October 2020 and included the formal 2020 AGM information and documentation including the Ordinary Business, Agenda, proxy voting forms and voting entitlements, election address from each of the three candidates for the Member-elected Director election and additional notes and relevant documents.
- At the time of the release of the notice, no additional resolutions had been proposed, and the period of notice complied fully with the Companies Act 2006. The Board has acted within its powers under the Articles and, in accordance with the Articles, certain resolutions (included in the Notice of Meeting document and Agenda documents below) have been specifically proposed to provide members with the opportunity to confirm actions taken. These include the approval of the 2019 AGM minutes, receiving of the Company’s accounts for year ending March 2020, the re-appointment of the Company auditors and the confirmation of the extension of the appointment of Myra Nimmo and Leshia Hawkins as Directors of the Company through to our 2021 AGM, and the election of a Director directly by members.
Click here to access all accurate and factual information and documentation relating to our AGM.