
Mini London Marathon trials

The London Mini Marathon takes place on Sunday 26 April 2020. Each London Borough, region and home nation has a Team Manager who is responsible for selecting a team to take part in the Virgin Money Giving Mini London Marathon. Teams are made up of 36 runners per London borough and 36 runners per region/home nation.

Boys and girls race in three age categories - Under 13, Under 15 and Under 17.

  • Under 13 Girls and Boys
    Must be over 11 years of age on 26 April 2020 and born between 1 September 2006 and 22 April 2009
  • Under 15 Girls and Boys
    Born between 1 September 2004 and 31 August 2006
  • Under 17 Women and Men
    Must be under 18 on 26 April 2020 and born between 1 September 2001 and 31 August 2004.

Some boroughs and regions will select on existing results and form -and others will have trials. Click here to see what's happening where you live.

West Midlands team trials

The West Midlands region holds trials for their London Mini Marathon teams (Note: some other regions select based on Cross Country and other competition results). The races will be open to all West Midlands qualified athletes rspectively under UKA Rules. Each race is 3 miles. Entry will be free and accepted on the day.

The West Midlands Region trials will take place on 15 February, at the Stourport Cycleway, Kingsway, Stourport, Worcestershire, DY13 8BQ.


  • 1.30pm: U13 Girls and Boys
  • 2pm: U15 Girls and Boys
  • 2.30pm: U17 Women and Men


The first five finishers in each race will be automatically selected to compete for the West Midlands with the next four as non-travelling reserves. There will be one place in each team left for Team Management selection. That athlete will be advised nearer to the date of the London Mini Marathon itself. Athletes must inform the Team Manager by email if they wish to be considered for this discretionary sixth place.

Contact the West Midlands Team Manager for more information;