
Local clubs coming together to save Temple Newsam cinder track

Rewind just 60 years and all the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games medals would have been won on the cinder track surface. Fast forward to the Paris Games and the high tech, eco-friendly surface athletes are running, jumping and throwing on is very different. Throughout the country, there are still well-used cinder facilities which clubs, schools and community groups rely on to run their sessions. Temple Newsam in Leeds is no different, but over the years the surface has been left to disrepair. Local clubs Crossgates Harriers and St Theresa's Athletic Club have joined forces to raise funds and give the track a new lease of life.

We recently visited the Temple Newsam track alongside members of Crossgates Harriers, and the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Council to lend a hand and also find out more about this key project.

History of the cinder circuit

First opening in 1954, the Template Newsam cinder track was once the main athletics facility for the city of Leeds and was available for all members of the public to use. The eight-lane circuit has historically hosted largescale local meets, but it's been left to disrepair for the last 30 years. Despite its condition, the track is still well loved by the local clubs, as Richard from Crossgates Harriers explained:

"The facility is ace for beginners. We have held our couch to 5k groups here as you can accommodate lots of different paces. If you run around the streets you run the risk of getting too spread out and people join a club to be with others. If the track was improved with a new surface, it would get used by not just the local clubs, but also the community and anyone who wants to give running a go. Even today you can see a couple of boxers and parents running round with children following on their bikes."

Community spirit is certainly at the forefront of Crossgates Harriers' ethos, as they frequently volunteer their time to support local causes. "I have been at the club for 12 years and I love the camaraderie and friendly feel," explained Richard. "As a club we volunteer at parkrun and go plogging to keep our local area tidy. I wanted to give an extra bit back to the club and community by repairing the track otherwise we will lose it."

Crossgates Harriers supporting with the Temple Newsam track clean up

Progress so far and fighting a funding challenge

Originally when the clubs joined forces to start digging away the weeds and shrubbery, they expected it to take around a year and hopefully by then funding would be in place, but sadly that has not been the case.

"The facility is owned by the local council, and so we have had some barriers to gaining funding. We have been trying to clear the track once per month for over a year now. We didn’t do too much over winter, but we have probably done 6-7 times and have made a massive difference. I do worry whether people will still be willing to help a year on, but each time I put out a volunteer call, people are really enthusiastic. Whilst we can tidy the edges, we can’t do anything to the surface so we are trying to raise money for this. We are going to use the cheapest cinder surfacing option which will still cost around £30,000 all together and that is without the lines being painted on! We have set up a crowdfunding page and Neil my clubmate is putting in a lot of applications for funding with Sport England and other stakeholders."

At England Athletics we have been supporting both Crossgates Harriers and St Theresa's with the restoration, closely through their Regional Council, local Club Support Manager and also with funding opportunities through our Facilities and Planning Manager. Some local businesses and even BBC News have been sharing the story in hope of finding some key funding.

Show your support and take on the Temple Newsam 10k

Whether you are local to Leeds or just want to show your support for the resurfacing, there are ways you can help out. The clubs have joined forces to host their very own Temple Newsam 10k on 29 September and entries are still open! The course will start with a lap of the running track before venturing to the stunning and undulating grounds of Temple Newsam. All money raised will be used to help restore and resurface the facility. If running is not your thing, or you are not local you can still donate to the Crowdfunder, or even show your support on social media by following their progress on Facebook.

Enter Temple Newsam 10k!

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