Final Notice of AAA AGM 2018
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Amateur Athletic Association will be held in the Hospitality Suite at Alexander Stadium, Birmingham on Thursday 8 March 2018 at 12.00 noon for the purposes of transacting the following business:
1. To receive the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 9 March 2017.
2. To receive and consider the Report of the Management Board and the Affiliated Associations for the year ended 30 September 2017.
3. To receive and consider the Income and Expenditure Account, the Balance Sheet and the Financial Report for the year ended 30 September 2017.
4. To elect Honorary Officers: The following nominations have been received for the posts of Officers of the Association in accordance with the requirements of the Articles of Association. As there are only single candidates nominated for each post, they shall be declared elected unopposed.
4.1 Chairman Mr. Walter Nicholls
4.2 Honorary Secretary Mr. Geoff Durbin
4.3 Honorary Treasurer Mr. Martin Etchells
5. To accept representatives (in accordance with article 7(E)(v) of the Articles of Association) from Road Running, Cross Country and Track and Field disciplines as selected by the representative working group for each such discipline. The representative for Cross Country is also to represent Fell Running and the representative for Track and Field is also to represent Race Walking and Tug-of-War.
6. To renew the tenure of the following retiring directors in accordance with Article 16(B) of the Articles of Association:
6.1 Ms F. P. Ratchford
6.2 Mr R. H. Float
7. To appoint the Accountants Inspector for the year ending 30 September 2018.
Note: All items of Ordinary Business to be passed require a simple majority of votes cast.
Walter Nicholls
Honorary Secretary
All relevant documentation can be found and downloaded at or at the bottom or right hand side of this page.