English Cross Country Association: Annual Open Meeting
The English Cross Country Association holds its Annual Open Meeting this year on Saturday 18 May at the Smart Aston Court Hotel, Midland Road, Derby DE1 2SL; the venue is across the road from Derby railway Station and starts at 12 noon. There is parking at the back of the Hotel and the meeting will be held in the Conference Room is on the ground floor of the Hotel. Tea and coffee will be available from 11:30.
All Clubs affiliated to England Athletics can send a delegate, email admin@englishcrosscountry.co.uk if any Club wishes to attend.
- Apologies for absence
- Chairman’s welcome and confirmation of the President for 2019/20, the Chain of Office will then be passed on to Rita Brownlie, nominated by the Midland Counties AA
- Chairman’s report.
- Honorary Treasurer’s report and financial statement.
- Election of the Honorary Treasurer, for a 3 year period, Richard Inchley has been nominated by 3 Clubs and is duly re-elected.
- (i). Election of General Committee Members, one third of the Committee is due for election each year.
Of those elected in 2016, nominations have been received for Jean Simpson, Joe Mower and Graham Heeley and they are re-elected. A new nomination has been received for Bill Adcocks (2 Clubs) and he is now elected.
(ii) Vacancies exist on the General Committee and nominations from the floor will be accepted. - Confirm the 2 nominations from each of the bodies representing Cross Country in the Midlands, North and South. These are Midlands, Peter Burns & Rita Brownlie, Northern Athletics, Steve Gaines & Arwel Williams. The South of England, are to confirm their nominations.
- Proposal from the ECCA Championships Committee:Following changes to rules on changing Clubs. Athletes will be allowed to change their first claim club after the closing date for entries to the National Cross Country Championships and the National Cross Country Relay Championships on condition that:
i) He/she has been entered by the closing date for entries by their former first claim club;
ii) England Athletics have approved the change of first claim club;
iii) The request to change the first claim club, and confirmation by England Athletics, has been received by the Championship Secretary by 12:00 on the Friday, two weeks and one day before the date of the competition.As there are no other proposals The Chairman will then adjourn the Open Meeting and then commence General Committee business - Minutes of the October General Committee meeting and matters arising.
- Reports on the 2018/2019 Championships and recent Championship Committee meetings and a report on venues for the season ahead.
- Winter Fixture list.
- Reports on International Fixtures
- UKA, EA, AAA. English Schools and Area reports.
- Any other business and dates of meetings in the next 12 months.