English Cross Country Association: Annual Open Meeting 2021 now online
The English Cross Country Association holds its Annual Open Meeting this year on Saturday 22 May at 9am. The meeting will be held via Zoom video conferencing due to the ongoing uncertainties. All Clubs affiliated to England Athletics for cross country running are eligible to attend and vote.
- Apologies for absence
- Chairman’s welcome and with the loss of the 2021 Championships the confirmation that the President for 2021/22 will be Chris Stott nominated by the South of England AA, due to the current circumstances the Chain of Office will be passed to him later. The Past President’s Memento will also be presented to Rita Brownlie, again at a later date.
- Chairman’s report.
- Honorary Treasurer’s report and financial statement
(i) Contact with Saucony with regards Sponsorship
- Election of the Honorary Secretary, for a 3-year period, Ian Byett has been nominated by 2 Clubs and is duly re-elected.
- Election of General Committee Members, one third of the Committee is due for election each year.
(i) Those seeking re-election in 2021 are Maureen Smith and Martin Howard.
(ii) Vacancies exist on the General Committee and nominations from the floor will be accepted.
- Confirm the 2 nominations from each of the bodies representing Cross Country in the Midlands, North and South. These are Midlands, Peter Burns & Keith Brackstone, Northern Athletics, Steve Gaines & Arwel Williams and from The South of England, John How and Martin Holland.
- Proposals to update Constitution, see attached on separate sheet proposed changes plus on another sheet the Updated Constitution.
- Proposed by the Chairman, to appoint Paul Maskell as a Life Member of the ECCA.
- Dates for a meeting of the Executive Committee and the General Committee.
The following docuents are now available for download prior to the meeting.
- Agenda - as above (PDF 80kB)
- ECCA Constitution as at 1 May 2021 (PDF 110kB)
- Changes to the ECCA Constitution (PDF 180kB)
Click here for further information online
Ian Byett
Hon Sec, English Cross Country Association