England team confirmed for classic Ultra distance event 2016
The 22nd Anglo Celtic Plate will be promoted in Perth Scotland on the 27th March 2016.
The race will challenge some of the best ultra athletes in the United Kingdom over the classic distance of 100 kilometres which equates to 62.2 miles. The race has always been regarded as a developmental opportunity for aspiring ultra runners and 2016 will be no different.
England will be sending a strong team which will compete against teams from Scotland and Wales and at present consists of:
- Anthony Clark (Club: Bournemouth AC)
- Paul Navesey (Club: Crawley AC Lead Coach Allison Benton)
- Nathan Montague (Club: Swindon AC)
- Chris Singleton (Club: Barlick FR, Lead Coach: Christina Singleton)
- Gemma Carter (Club: Serpentine RC)
- Katie Samuelson (Club: Cambridge and Coleridge)
- Melissa Venables (Club: Spa Striders, Lead Coach: Les Barnett)
Team leader Walter Hill said, "This is a great event for the ultra community and offers a fantastic opportunity to compete over this classic distance."
Spencer Duval (National Coach Mentor Lead for Endurance) added, "This event is at the extreme end of most endurances coaches knowledge and comfort zone but it offers the opportunity to learn and expand their coaching knowledge. This is something we encourage coaches to attend and to be involved in on the NCDP."
England will be sending some coaches from the National Coach Development Programme to help the team and learn about the particular challenges that the 100km event raises.