England Athletics supports campaign for children's #righttobeactive
England Athletics is proud to be one of the first sporting organisations to proactively approach the Sport and Recreation Alliance to support its #RightToBeActive campaign, which asks all of society to join the call for government to embed the fundamental right of all children to be active into policy, regulations and legislation.
Click here to sign the petition now to show your support
Matt Birkett, Head of Athletics and Running, explains: “The campaign aims to place a child’s right to be active on the same footing as their rights to education, shelter and nutrition. The benefits of being physically active are huge, yet shifts in society can mean that children don’t have the same exercise habits as previous generations.
“England Athletics is passionate about ensuring children have the opportunity to learn and practice running, jumping and throwing. These are fundamental skills and are really important foundations to a fulfilling and active life.
“With so many grassroots club members as enthusiastic as we are about encouraging everyone to take up athletics and running, we are asking the England Athletics family to help spread the word about this important initiative by simply signing the Alliance’s petition (bit.ly/2xIaR9v) and sharing it with others to help the Sport & Recreation Alliance reach its initial target of 10,000 signatures.”
The Sport and Recreation Alliance believes that every child has the fundamental #RightToBeActive. The problem of inactivity among our children and young people is far-reaching and we must work together to solve this crisis. The Alliance is calling on government, the sport sector, schools, communities, families and the public to show that they will not allow this to continue.
Director at the Alliance, James Allen, welcomed England Athletics’ support of the campaign. He said: "From the start of this campaign we have placed a huge importance on different areas of society coming together to solve this crisis, starting with the sport sector.
“"Having a well-known, wide-reaching and established organisation such as England Athletics join the fight against childhood inactivity, highlights the strong desire to see meaningful change take place. We look forward to working together to transform the lives of children and helping to make the younger generation healthier, happier and more resilient."
As well as supporting this campaign, England Athletics is playing its part in improving the opportunities for everyone to be engaged in physical activity with campaigns aimed at primary school children upwards to attract more people into the sport long term.
Concludes Matt Birkett: "We work with our member clubs and partner organisations to give children the best possible introduction to athletics and running. We want them to have a great first experience and to be learning run, jump and throw movements with a smile on their face. The diverse nature of athletics and running allows everyone, whatever their age, ability or background to get involved in a range of ways, whether as a participant or a volunteer."