Consultation on the formal membership of UK Athletics
England Athletics, along with the other Home Country Athletics Federations, is consulting its affiliated clubs and member bodies on the formal membership of UK Athletics.
Consultation on the membership structure of UK Athletics
It was agreed at the UK Athletics AGM in December that, in accordance with the recommendations of the external Review of UK Athletics (the Street Report), detailed proposals would be formulated to enable formal consultation with the Sport on the future legal membership of UK Athletics, formerly known as the UK Members Council (UKMC), now known as UKA Members.
It is a consultation being conducted with all the clubs and other formal members of England Athletics. (The other HCAFs are conducting their own consultations with their members on this matter.)
In seeking the views of the England Athletics membership, we are encouraging all our members to consult widely within their own club or association so as to ensure we receive the most reliable indication of how our members wish us to seek to have this matter resolved.
To understand more about the consultation and how your club/member body can participate, you can click here to visit a dedicated section on the England Athletics website outlining in more detail:
- Background information
- Formal membership options (A-E)
- A summary table highlighting the potential merits and drawbacks of each of the formal membership options
- A consultation timeline
- A link to the consultation survey (submission deadline 5 April 2021)
- A link to online registration for a webinar on Thursday 18 March where club and organisation representatives are invited to join in order to ask any questions relating to the consultation.
England Athletics is asking affiliated clubs/organisations to review the above information, consult with their members and, once they have come to a conclusion as to their club or organisation’s preferences, please respond to us by completing the online survey by Monday 5 April.
Should you have any questions, please register for our webinar on Thursday 18 March at 7pm for the purpose of addressing these or, for any technical queries, please contact