Race Directors
Race Director course
As a service to race organisers, RunEvents (formerly runbritain) has developed a Race Director course, covering the key areas of knowledge and expertise needed by race organisers. The course combines information given out through presentations along with group activities. Attendance is voluntary and not assessed. A certificate of attendance is issued to attendees along with the course material. The content includes:
- Legal and administrative issues.
- Venue and course design.
- Briefing marshals and stewards.
- Health and Safety - Event Risk Assessment.
- Role of Local Authority and Highways.
- Producing an event plan
Book your place on the Race Director course.
Traffic Management Course
This LANTRA course is for all event organisers, event marshals and other interested technical officials both in the commercial and voluntary sectors, and particularly those involved in road races. This course will equip delegates with sufficient information and knowledge to safely direct traffic movements at events. The course will also enable delegates to correctly setup traffic layouts for road closures and enact the traffic controls. The course is delivered by Up To Speed Training.
Book your place on the Traffic Management course.
No courses in your area? Complete our course request form
No courses in your area? Complete our course request form
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Find more information about becoming a Race Director