Area Officials' Associations
There are three Area Associations for officials in England:
- Northern Athletics Officials’ Association
- Midland Association For Athletics Officials (MAFEO)
- South of England Officials Association (SEAOA)
There are annual subscriptions for each and the associations provides help and support for all officials including newsletters, workshops and conferences.
Further details can be found on the respective websites.
Northern Athletics Officials’ Association
The Northern Athletics Officials’ Association is about help, friendship and trying to improve life for officials of all levels and disciplines. Membership of the Association is open to any athletics official supporting athletics in the North of England.
The aims of the Association are to:
- Act at all times in the best interests of the members
- Encourage a high standard of officiating
- Raise the status of officials
- Represent the views of members on issues affecting officials
- Improve the standards of facilities provided for officials
- Assist in the training of officials
Annual subscription from an individual is £10, joint membership (two members at one address): £15 per year. For their subscription members of the association can attend the annual conference which is held each October and members are also issued with the latest UKA Rule Book on receipt of membership payment.
Midland Association For Athletics Officials (MAFEO)
The Midland Association of Field Event Officials was founded in December 1983. The aims (and name) of the Association have since been modified to include all Licensed Technical Athletics Officials, and those in training.
The aims of the Association are to:
- Raise the standard of athletics technical officiating
- Raise the status of athletics technical officials
- Monitor the standard of athletics facilities
- Disseminate information of interest to athletics technical officials
- Try to ensure through recruitment, that meetings are adequately staffed
- Suggest the best techniques for examining athletics technical officials
- Create a rapport with both athletes and coaches
- Speak with one voice on issues which affect athletics technical officials
Annual subscription is £10. All members will receive a membership card as a receipt. Members will also receive a copy of each new edition of the Rules for Competition. All members will be supplied with a MAFEO badge with their name as given on the form (most members include first names). Newsletters are published during the year and the MAFEO also organises at least one workshop a year to cover subjects requested by members.
South of England Athletics Officials’ Association (SEAOA)
The Association exists to provide assistance and guidance to Technical Officials involved in the running of Athletics Meetings in the South of England.
The aims of the Association are to:
- Act at all times in the best interests of its members
- Maintain the high standard of officiating
- Raise the status of Officials
- Speak with one voice on issues affecting Officials
- Monitor and raise the standard of facilities provided for Officials and to monitor and raise the safety of facilities
- Produce a magazine and distribute it in printed or electronic format as requested by the relevant members
- Endeavour through liaison and communication to ensure that athletic events are adequately staffed
- Promote in conjunction with UKA and the relevant Regions of England Athletics the technical training in all disciplines
- Represent the views of the Officials’ Association
Membership fees are £25 for two years, or £30 with the IAAF handbook. This now includes free attendance at two annual conferences. Members will receive copies of the UK Athletics Rule Book and, and the opportunity of purchasing other publications at a reduced rate.
Officials' Courses
Find details of all upcoming Officials’ courses for qualifications and development opportunities.