Leadership in Running Fitness
Book online via Athletics Hub – where any new course dates will be posted. If your preferred date is fully booked then please check back as we will be adding more courses over the coming weeks and months.
The Leadership in Running Fitness qualification has been revamped to meet today’s learner’s needs, and utilising today’s technologies.
The course is designed to prepare you to provide a safe and enjoyable running experience for young people aged 12+ and adults of any ability. The course covers risk assessment, warm-ups, cool downs, and how to lead fun running sessions for a mixed ability group of runners.
The course is made up of four on-line self-guided learning modules*, remote feedback from a tutor of a supervised session** and a 90 minute virtual classroom session ***
- * Self-guided means that there is no tutor present and you work through the modules independently. The modules use a variety of learning activities including videos and interactive tasks.
- ** You will need to film yourself (complying with UK Athletics safeguarding requirements) leading two supervised running in fitness activities. You will be directed to upload these to our learning platform where a tutor will review them and offer you some developmental feedback.
- *** A virtual classroom is a teaching and learning environment, where participants can interact, communicate, engage with learning resources, view and discuss presentations, while working in groups all in an online setting.
Module One: Individual Centred Leading and the Role of the Leader
This module starts by looking at some of the different motivations for running, barriers to running and how to overcome them. It continues by exploring different types of runner and how to safely cater for them all.
Module Two: Running Fitness Session Content
This module covers the principles of warming up, running technique and cooling down. It also introduces the coaching process skills of how to lead activities safely, how to organise activities to maximise involvement, how to give clear instructions and demonstrations.
Module Three: Performance Factors, Energy Systems and their application
This module starts by looking at factors which influence a runner’s performance, including the different components of fitness. It continues by looking at how training works and asking the learner to consider how they can use this knowledge to progress a group of runners while considering each runner’s individual needs.
Module Four: The Role of the Leader in Injury Avoidance
This module looks at common running injuries, what causes injuries and the role a leader can play in injury avoidance.
Remote Practical Activity
Candidates will be required to deliver and film two short activities where they can be seen leading a small mixed ability group (complying with UK Athletics safeguarding requirements). These sessions can then be uploaded to an online learning platform (DREAMS) and reviewed by a tutor, who will offer developmental feedback to the candidate. The remote practical activity will need to be supervised by a UKA-qualified Run Leader or a UKA-qualified Coach (this can be anyone who holds a current LiRF, CiRF or Athletics Coach qualification).
If you are not part of a group/club, we recommend contacting your nearest RunTogether group or an England Athletics affiliated club, where a qualified coach/leader might be available to support you with this element of the course.
Virtual Classroom session
This session allows the learner to reflect on the content covered in the four online modules, and share and discuss the feedback they have received on their leading practice, in a safe and supportive learning environment, with an experienced Leadership in Running Fitness tutor.
If you hold the LiRF qualification and are interested in attending a CiRF course you could consider our LiRF to CiRF 2 hour online workshop. For more information and a taster of the coaching skills you will learn, visit our LiRF to CiRF workshops page.
£200 (£160 for affiliated clubs / registered members).