Sustainability self asessment form
As part of assessing the approach of this pilot and how we can learn together we have a few questions to ask you to complete. This is not about judgement or scoring but it will be an important benchmark for us to use to inform the success of the pilot and for you to build. It is a self asessment so please take a moment to reflect, ask other members and be honest in your answers.
We are using The Green Runners pillars to help us focus our thinking and move towards tangible action. Using a Red, Amber, Green scoring system please give an honest assessment of where your club is now in the context of these 4 pillars.
- Red = Not at all. It's not on the agenda at the moment.
- Amber = We've talked about ideas and have good intentions or things in the pipeline.
- Green = We're on it already and have started to take action (please give some examples).