
Guide to 2017 fixtures

2017 looks set to be a great year for the sport, and England Athletics is pleased to share with you a calendar of fixtures for 2017. This includes not only England Athletics events but also a number of other competitions organised by partners across the sport.

Competition opportunities are provided by a wide range of organisations. As well as investing in national level competition England Athletics also provides support and grants, including financial assistance, for a number of other key partners who fulfil important roles in the sport, while many other competitions are promoted by volunteers without any form of financial assistance. We outline some of these grants below.

England Athletics’ Head of Coaching and Athlete Development, Martin Rush commented, “Once again 2017 will see a huge variety of competition on offer to athletes with a vast amount of the work to deliver these events being done by volunteers. Whatever the discipline, ability, age or aspiration of an athlete there is competition available.
“On behalf of England Athletics we would like to thank every volunteer across the sport who contributes to the provision of all the opportunities that are available. Competition is one of the key activities that England Athletics directly delivers, using membership monies and Sport England grants to fund national championships in a range of disciplines.”

England Athletics also fund, and work with, a number of partners who provide a huge range of competitive opportunities for athletes. In addition to this competition investment England Athletics use membership income to support club and coaching work across the breadth of our clubs, acknowledging that a majority of our registered athletes are runners.”

“To help people know what is available, we have compiled a calendar of some of the key competitions that will take place in 2017. However, given all that is on offer it is not possible to list everything. We recommend that athletes and others check with their club for details of other important competitions, such as the leagues, in which their club competes.”

“Endurance athletes can also find details of licensed road races at the runbritain website.”
Among the areas England Athletics currently invest in are:

  • National level competition – approximately £260,000 is invested in national championships which include:
    • Indoor and outdoor age group Championships in track and field and combined events for all ages of athletes from U15 to U20.
    • Our outdoor senior championships where we partner with the UK CAU to support the provision of the UK Inter-Counties competition and now provide the opportunity to gain selection for the Manchester International.
    • Partnership funding of event specific competitions which we know have a special development need – Highgate Harriers Night of the 10000m PBs as an example.
    • The contribution made by people such as the volunteers who officiate at national championships is invaluable. We therefore provide them with kit that recognises this contribution.
  • Investment in area competition – approximately £150,000 per annum.
    • We have provided grants to the area competition providers in the North, Midlands and South to support their delivery of competition.
    • In addition We have funded Under 20 teams from England North, Midlands and South to take part in the Welsh International against the Welsh Junior and Welsh Schools representative teams.
  • Investment in County competition
    • We have provided grants to county associations to support them in the delivery of their competitions.
  • Youth Development League - £100,000
    • This money was secured from Sport England to support the provision of this competition for young athletes.
  • English Schools AA - £125,000
    • The English Schools’ AA competitions from local to international level remain a key opportunity for young athletes to enjoy quality competition and for new youngsters to be given their first taste of the sport.
  • International competition opportunity – £240,000
    • Investment across a range of disciplines including road running, mountain running, race walking and, of course, track and field.
    • Providing opportunities for young and senior athletes within England including the Commonwealth Youth Games and Commonwealth Games.
    • Supporting talented athletes in their development.
    • Providing opportunities for the next generation of athletes to aspire to as they seek to make the most of their potential.
    • Specific examples are the recent Toronto Marathon team and the addition of the successful Manchester Home Country International. England Athletics has also linked international opportunity directly to National Championships. Click here for more details about these road running opportunities.

  • Investment in representative team kit
    • We recognise the pride athletes take in representing their country. As well as supplying England Athletics teams with kit, England Athletics also work with our sponsors New Balance to provide kit for teams selected by partners such as the English Cross Country Association and the England North, Midlands and South area teams at the Welsh International.

In addition to this England Athletics also works to support a range of competition providers with publicity and coverage of their events. We also investment in online resources for race organisers and courses, such as training in road traffic management, to support the delivery of a wide range of road running events.

Click here to download a copy of our calendar of key fixtures in 2017 and remember to speak to your club about the leagues and other local competitions available.