
AGM 2020 results of voting

England Athletics would like to thank its members for their involvement, by proxy, in the 2020 AGM which was held on Saturday 10th October.

We are delighted to announce that Lorna Boothe was formally voted to represent the membership as an Elected Director, and to serve for an initial first term of four years through to the 2024 AGM. We would like to formally place on record our thanks to all three candidates who contested this election. [Voting results: Lorna Boothe 181, Jon Clarke 99, Abdul Buhari 25]

We can confirm that all other meeting motions were carried as proposed in the pre-AGM notices, namely that:

  • members approved the Board’s extensions to the appointments of Myra Nimmo for 12 months through to the 2021 AGM to carry on her duties as Chair of the England Athletics Board of Directors and Leshia Hawkins for 12 months through to the 2021 AGM to carry on her duties as Independent Non-Executive Director (INED). [Voting results: Myra Nimmo 197 For, 101 Against, 46 Abstained / Leshia Hawkins 185 For, 90 Against, 69 Abstained]
  • the minutes of the previous AGM held on 12th October 2019 were approved.
  • the Company’s audited accounts for the financial year ended 31st March 2020 were received.
  • the Company’s auditors haysmacintyre were appointed for the financial year ending 31st March 2021 and agreement of their remuneration delegated to the Board.

We can also confirm that we received only one alternative proxy from a member. This would have been rejected but, following further guidance from England Athletics issued to all members, this was later superseded by a valid proxy from the same member in the prescribed form before the deadline. No other forms were rejected and all valid proxy votes were counted.

England Athletics – 10th October 2020