
Universities able to apply for Charter Mark

England Athletics understands that the time at university is a period of significant change and can prove challenging to many young athletes, their parents and coaches. In response to this, we have established a Charter Mark for which universities can apply to show they provide the highest standards of support.

By working more closely with universities we want to establish environments that help athletes to maintain their participation throughout the time they are at university, continue to develop and improve their performances and to support them if they wish to move into coaching or officiating.

What is the Charter Mark?

The Charter Mark will be a nationally recognized badge of quality, endorsed by England Athletics, that a university can publicly use to demonstrate the quality of provision available at the institution. It will reflect excellence in pastoral support, training facilities and competitive opportunities for student athletes. A vibrant environment, staffed by highly qualified coaches will provide student athletes with the best chance of improving their performance levels and staying involved in the sport both during and after university.

Benefits to Universities

The Gold Charter Mark will be:

  • A nationally recognized quality mark, promoted and supported and endorsed by England Athletics.
  • A mark of accreditation for the university, to be used in marketing and recruitment.
  • An endorsement of excellence for prospective students, to help signpost them to high quality athletic environments when applying to university.
  • Being involved in the Charter Mark system will strengthen relationships between a university and England Athletics.
  • England Athletics will work closely with the university in areas such as conferences, coaching courses and staff development.

How universities can apply

By 1 August 2018: Submit your expression of interest to Lynne Duval the University Coordinator on If you require more information please contact Lynne. She can:

  • Send you a full list of the required criteria
  • Take your details and keep in touch regarding any future developments
  • Let you know when you can apply for the Silver and Bronze Charter Marks
  • Provide more information as required

By 1 October 2018: Submit your completed submission, together with details of how you meet the required criteria.

Required criteria

The Gold Charter Mark sets a very high standard of facilities, support for student athletes & available training and competitive opportunities. We recognize that many universities may not be able to meet this Gold Charter Mark immediately. If you don’t meet the required criteria at this time this doesn’t mean you can’t work with England Athletics or achieve a Charter Mark in the future; Silver and Bronze Charter Marks are planned for subsequent years.